the company

San Servolo - Servizi Metropolitani di Venezia

The Metropolitan City of Venice owns the Island of San Servolo in Venice and Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari in Mira (VE), as well as the real estate and cultural assets present there, of historic, artistic and landscape interest. In order to protect these assets and allow physical and economic access to them through continued use, the Metropolitan City of Venice has created Società San Servolo – Servizi Metropolitani di Venezia srl which is 100% owned by the Metropolitan City of Venice. The company performs services of general interest promoting the development and social cohesiveness of the metropolitan area through tasks assigned by the Metropolitan City of Venice which has control over the company

who we are

The Sole Director
Simone Cason

Fabio Dario

Supervisory Board
Kety Carraro, President

Fulvio Landillo

Director General

Fulvio Landillo